Get Extra $25 FREE REWARDS!!!!
Host a Catalog Party starting on May 4, 2021.
How this promotion works?
Earn over $250 worth of merchandise before shipping
& handling and Sales tax, you will earn your normal 10% Free Reward and
then you will get an EXTRA $25 OF FREE REWARDS!! HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!? This is a LIMITED TIME!
Are you interested to host a Catalog party?!
Email me, and I will get you started on your
hosting, and you will be on you way of earning your EXTRA $25 additionally to
your party. I will also create a Hostess Code to post onto my website for your friends and family to order under you. If you have any questions,
please contact me by email, or call me or text me, you will find it on my flyer below.
Please see the flyer below:
This promotion is only good from May 4 to
June 14,2021.
This applies to both Jan – June 2021 Mini(Occasion)
and the New AC(Annual Catalog) 2021 – 2022(Starting on May 4, 2021).